Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Whiteface Revisited (Take 3)

Total ascent time: 1:10:48
Total descent time: 1:07:40
Distance: 7.6 miles
Hikers: Vance and Quinn
Trailwrights 72 completion count: N/A

Today Quinn and I hiked Whiteface for the third time together.  Rain was predicted for the day but fortunately we didn't see a drop for the duration of the hike!  We opted to go out and back on the Blueberry Ledge trail.

I can't believe how much Quinn has grown since our first ascent of Whiteface.

With Quinn leading the charge,the first two-thirds of the hike went by very quickly.

Then we hit the steeper terrain.

Given the forecast, there weren't too many people on the trail.  Fortunately, a fellow friendly hiker came along and took our picture at the summit.

Beautiful views moved in and out of the clouds as we enjoyed the scenery.

Quinn always manages to find a critter on the trail!

It had been way too long since we had the opportunity to hike together.  We had such a great time getting back on the trails today!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys! I lost your email and was trying to get in touch with you! It's Dianne and Matthew. Can you message me? Was wondering if you had done Northwest Hancock and Southwest Twin Bushwhacks.
